Tarot and Oracle Cards

Many orders come with a tarot card or oracle card- or multiple! I always pull with intention, meaning I think about you and what message(s) you might need to hear. I meditate and shuffle the cards until a card presents itself to me. I rely heavily on intuition for all of the items I choose for you, and send them to you as their rightful caretakers. Everything is done with love, and all card pulls are done upright. 

To read more about your tarot card, you can google your card meaning or check this website here

Currently, all oracle cards are coming from the deck Woodland Wardens by Jessica Roux. Keep reading to find the message of your card: 

The Mouse and the Buttercup. Innocence. You may be embarking on a journey or starting down a new path. Remember that innocence and a lack of understanding are not negative qualities; instead, they remind us of our capacity for growth, adaptability, and learning. 

The Cat and the Lavender. Independence. You can seek your full potential without depending on validation from others. Power, resourcefulness, and potential are key words to remember. 

The Spider and the Passionflower. Creative Ingenuity. You can solve your problems unconventionally and with cleverness. You need only exercise patience in order to fully appreciate the results of your labor. 

The Hare and Oak. New Opportunities. A celebration of good fortune is in order. If you have been in a caregiving role, this is a reminder that your sacrifices will be repaid. 

The Bear and Cedar. Leadership. The spirit of the bear is guiding you to leadership opportunities and reminding you to rule with fairness and care. 

The Sheep and Blackberry. Devotion. In what people or practices do you find wisdom and stability? Remember to care well for those sources of guidance and protection. 

The Frog and Lotus. Metamorphosis. Consider what in your life needs changing and think about the steps you can take to achieve that change. You owe it to yourself to allow your own growth and rebirth. 

The Chipmunk and Laurel. Success. Forge a unique path toward your desires. The road to achieving your goals is hardly ever straight and easy, but the journey is ultimately rewarding. 

The Elk and Ash. Strength. You are called to gather your strength ahead of a challenge. Face it with confidence in your own stamina. Tame any unruly elements that try to derail you. 

The Weasel and Pine. Introspection. You are called to a time of solitude. Isolation allows for contemplation, which can lead to self-knowledge. 

The Duck and Chrysanthemum. Luck. You are on the brink of good fortune. Be open to situations that may bring about positive transformation. 

The Goat and Willow. Overcoming Obstacles. A recent loss may have you feeling down, or a new, unfortunate obstacle may have appeared in your path. Realign yourself with your goals to regain control of the situation. 

The Lizard and Pitcher Plant. Stagnation. You may be feeling stuck, frozen in place, or without an escape. Reflect on the lizard's ability to shed and regrow its tail. There may be things in your life you can leave behind, making way for new growth. 

The Moth and Eucalyptus. An Ending. An ending is imminent. This could mean the end of a relationship, a hobby or interest, a job, or any number of other things. While endings sometimes mark loss, they don't always, and even if we do experience grief, we have the power to emerge from it with a better understanding of ourselves. 

The Vulture and Asphodel. Upheaval. A trauma has occurred, and you need time to grieve. Cleans your wounds carefully before attempting to move on. 

The Deer and Oat. Healing. Rest and recharge. Moderation and mindfulness are key as you recover from trauma or a period of intense exertion. 

The Crow and Dogwood. Intelligence. You have the tools to fulfill your goals and solve any problem that stands in your way. You need only look inward to find wisdom and strength. 

The Salamander and Black Pepper. Inspiration. A new opportunity awaits. To fulfill it, you must remain inspired, applying your full energy to your creative endeavors. 

The Boar and Pumpkin. Confidence. Your confidence is well-founded. Any insults or attempts to damage your morale will roll off your back. You are thick-skinned like the pumpkin and courageous like the boar. 

The Bat and Hellebore. Intuition. Your instincts can be relied upon. Curl inward like the hellebore, and as the blind bat trusts its hearing, trust in your intuition to guide you. 

The Caiman and Poppy. Dreams. A dream of yours is about to come true. Stay still yet alert like the caiman, and at the right moment, seize your opportunity with relish. 

The Skunk and Magnolia. Protection. You are safe. Your boundaries are protected, and your home is intact. Remember that when you are protected, it becomes your duty to protect others. Extend your shelter to those without one. 

The Owl and Hop. Wisdom. You have come to the end of a long journey. Relish in your achievement, taking deep, satisfying breaths. 

The Hound and Pear. Loyalty. A friendship is flourishing. Your kindness and loyalty have been noted, and your friend appreciates you. 

The Marten and Foxglove. Mischief. Pay attention for opportunities for spontaneity, travel, and playfulness. A bit of lighthearted mischief - so long as it doesn't hurt anyone - can be healthy! 

The Wolf and Rose Hip. Guardianship. You are called to be a mentor. Who among your pack might need your counsel? Taking a leadership role in community activism is another way to lead like the wolf. 

The Bee and Pomegranate. Productivity. You are at your most productive. Take care to ensure your labor fulfills you. 

The Fox and Ivy. Adaptability. Allow the fox's ingenuity to guide you. Nimbleness and adaptability will suit you well in your endeavors. 

The Opossum and Peony. Bashfulness. You may wish to hide from the world. While periods of solitude are necessary and healthful, be sure your retreat isn't driven by fear. 

The Squirrel and Chestnut. Preparation. You have prepared well and can expect to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Your resourcefulness and foresight will be rewarded. 

The Beaver and Birch. Home. Now is a time to focus on nesting, homesteading, and settling down. Decorate and tend to your environment in a way that supports a feeling of home. 

The Turtle and Coriander. Satisfaction. Slow down and enjoy the journey. Avoid rushing your goals for the sake of winning. Arrive in your own time. 

The Badger and Ginkgo. Healing wounds. Your actions have hurt someone, or someone has hurt you. Apologize if you need to and set up steps for your own healing. Be gentle with yourself. Allow your wound (or others) to heal properly. 

The Raccoon and Sycamore. Curiosity. You are well-equipped to explore uncharted territories. Climb high into the tree of your interests, bounding from branch to branch. Now is an auspicious time to discover new truths about yourself and your abilities. 

The Snake and Fern. Starting Over. A rebirth is imminent. Summon the magical protection of the fern and wriggle free from old trappings. 

The Ladybug and Sweet Pea. Happiness. You are entering a period of happiness, positivity, and good luck. Celebrate your joy by sharing it with others. 

The Finch and Peach. Romance. Your vibrancy and charm have led to a blossoming romance. Be open to and accepting of a new love's many delights. 

The Coyote and Datura. Deceit. Beware the charming stranger. Before opening up to someone new, consider what they may have to gain from your trust. Follow your instincts. 

The Porcupine and Anemone. Boundaries. You cannot help others unless you first help yourself. Maintain healthy boundaries around your time and energy, giving generously only once you are sufficiently fed. 

The Otter and Cattail. Peace. You are entering a time of peace and tranquility. Enjoy it, allowing yourself to relax fully. 

The Bobcat and Blackthorn. Patience. A difficult journey ahead requires preparation and patience. Channel the bobcat's stealth and pack plenty of provisions. Ration your sustenance carefully, remembering that berries are often sweetest after a hard frost. 

The Snail and Huckleberry. Trust in the invisible. Now is a good time to follow your bliss, trusting its invisible supports. With great risk comes great reward. 

The Eel and Iris. Safety. Now is a good time to establish healthy boundaries. If others take offense, do not fret over their reaction- stand firm in your power like the iris. 

The Trout and Lily of the Valley. Purification. Your difficulties are subsiding, and happiness will soon be restored. Now is the perfect time for quiet meditation and deep introspection. 

The Hawk and Thistle. Graceful persistence. You can act fiercely while maintaining your grace and dignity. Sharpen your talons but don't lose your crown. 

The Antelope and Wheat. Nourishment. You are feeling fulfilled, nourished, and secure. Celebrate your good fortune by sharing it with others in need. Invest in your community, and ensure you are supported in leaner times. 

The Butterfly and Snowdrop. Hope. A period of hardship is coming to a close, and better days are ahead. Take heart in signs of the coming thaw. 

The Rooster and Sunflower. Communication. You are well-suited to positions of authority. Remember that clear and open communication is key to successful leadership. 

The Dragonfly and Pansy. Balance. Like a dragonfly hovering above water, you are healthy and confident. Your physical skill is matched by your mental and emotional strength. 

The Horse and Bluebell. Modest fortitude. Work quietly and consistently. The time to shine will present itself in the future; for now, focus on your process rather than its reward.

The Ram and Dahlia. Determination. You have the power to accomplish your wildest dreams. While others may tire or lose interest, you are persistent and will see your ambitions through. 

The Quail and Gooseberry. Anticipation. The event or outcome you've anticipated is about to occur. Take advantage of your foreknowledge, preparing for what's to come.

Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This might be a message that is meant for the future you.